Year 12 - Cambridge University STEM webinars & conference - July '24
She Talks Science Student Conference
Location: Murray Edwards College
A unique opportunity for year 12 students to engage with Cambridge STEM Students and Academics. They'll explore the College, gain valuable insights into applying and studying...
Baking a Black Hole – Mathematics Webinar
Location: Online
Explore an area of undergraduate study, suitable for anyone interested in studying maths and related subjects at Cambridge.
Delivered by Dr Zoe Wyatt as part of Murray...
Location: Online
Explore an area of undergraduate study, suitable for anyone interested in studying engineering and related subjects at Cambridge.
Delivered by Dr Oliver Hadeler as part...
The Universe – A Detective Story – Natural Sciences (Physical) Webinar
Location: Online
Explore an area of undergraduate study, suitable for anyone interested in studying natural sciences physical and related subjects at Cambridge.
Delivered by Professor...
Location: Online
Explore an area of undergraduate study, suitable for anyone interested in studying computer science and related subjects at Cambridge.
Delivered by Dr Luana Bulat as...